Safe Marine Industry


The high operating costs and constraints of the marine environment, exacerbated in deep environments, compel us to limit the risks endured by offshore infrastructures.

A safe marine industry – the main technological challenges

  • Increase our knowledge of marine ecosystems,
  • Develop processes for oceanographic exploration and high-performance production methods,
  • Safe exploration of new resources in ultra-deep waters
  • Anticipate the behaviour and interactions of offshore structures in their environment
  • Develop reliable and safe offshore production structures (from the laboratory to offshore test sites),
  • Develop and protect the coastline,
  • Identification and modelisation of underwater hazards.

Laboratories and testing facilities of this axis:

Testing facilities

Projects from the 1st Carnot MERS call for projects on this axis:

  • Liens matériaux-architecture-propriétés mécaniques des câbles synthétiques pour l’ancrage des éoliennes flottantes | LHEEA (Centrale Nantes/CNRS) & Ifremer
  • POSDYN - Positionnement Dynamique en bassin d'essai | LHEEA (Centrale Nantes/CNRS)
  • Approche numérique « data driven » pour la modélisation de la réponse mécanique non-linéaire des ombilicaux dynamiques utilisés pour l’éolien flottant |  GeM & LHEEA (Centrale Nantes)
  • Etude et Réalisation d'un banc d’étalonnage de balances hydrodynamiques à six composantes | LHEEA (Centrale Nantes/CNRS)
Published on October 23, 2020 Updated on July 16, 2021